The iCombi Pro delivers 50% higher productivity while reducing cooking times and energy consumption by 10% compared to its predecessor. The iCombi Pro includes four intelligent assistants that control every aspect of operation.
This makes it simple to cook different products at the same time. The cleaning system provides a fast 12-minute interim clean that reduces downtime between loads as well as calculating the optimum overnight clean at the end of the day.
Higher Productivity
Reduction in cooking times and energy consumption
Similarly, the iVario Pro delivers 20% additional searing capacity and maintenance-free pressure cooking that is up to 35% faster than cooking without pressure. The iVario Boost heating system uses ceramic heating elements and advanced energy management systems to give not just quick heating times – only 2.5 minutes to get up to searing temperature – but the power it needs to handle large quantities of product without missing a beat.
Additional Searing
Faster than cooking without pressure
RATIONAL’s ConnectedCooking network management system enables operators to customise recipes and cleaning schedules as well as providing comprehensive operating data, including HACCP. It also allows service personnel and managers to monitor the operation of the cooking system and will send an alert should anything be required.
RATIONAL TV, the free to register video on-demand platform offers a comprehensive choice of videos to browse at your convenience. From customer stories, application training, through to hot topic webinars that showcase the benefits of the Rational iVario and iCombi Pro cooking systems. To join Rational TV, subscribe for free at:
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